Cutdown Day: Setting the scene for Saturday
Let's set the scene for tomorrow's final cuts. The following charts have been color-coded as follows:
Green: Expected to be on the team
Yellow: Probably going to be on the team
Purple: On a reserve list (ie suspended or injured)
Red: Released
We will of course be updating this at various times tomorrow.
Here's the offense (just updated to take into account the release of Ryan Anderson and Jordan Morgan...)
...and here's the defense (just updated to take into account Trevon Sanders' release which was just reported by AP's Dennis Waszak...)
As for specialists, it seems most likely that Lachlan Edwards and Thomas Hennessy will be kept but Matt Darr and Taylor Bertolet will be cut. Bertolet's replacement will need to be brought in tomorrow. We probably don't need a chart to keep track of that.
Let us know if you think any of our locks/probables should be upgraded or downgraded.