After Further Review: Jets-Commanders

By popular demand, we're again going to have a post after each game that breaks down some of the controversial decisions from the officiating crew in the game.

Penalty Count

Commanders 8-68 (leading to three Jets first downs)

Jets 14-150 (leading to four Commanders first downs)

Note: This does not include penalties that are declined or off-set.

Plays where the call was obvious, uncontroversial or not visible on broadcast footage

Jets Penalties

  • Holding on Mekhi Becton. Had his block engaged on the edge but when the run was bounced outside, he maintained his grip to prevent the edge from pursuing laterally. This was declined anyway.
  • False start on Becton. Early jump in the red zone.
  • Delay of game on Siemian. Poor concentration in the two minute drill as he tried to change a play.
  • Intentional grounding on Trevor Siemian. Didn't get the ball back to the line of scrimmage as he was chased back near his own goal line and threw it away. Luckily wasn't in the end zone yet otherwise it would be a safety.
  • Personal foul for a horse collar tackle on Jason Brownlee after Cody Barton's interception. Brownlee originally had a grip of the jersey lower down, but then did adjust his hand position to pull his man down by the nameplate.
  • Tyler Conklin false start. Slight flinch before the snap.
  • Joe Tippmann holding. Lost leverage and grabbed his man around the waist in the hole.
  • Sauce Gardner pass interference. This was not clearly visible on the broadcast, and not replayed.
  • CJ Mosley personal foul. Made contact with the quarterback's head in the pocket as he rushed the passer. Wasn't really forcible, but this is usually called unless it happens to Zach Wilson.
  • Brandin Echols offside on an extra point. Mistimed the snap count and jumped early.

Commanders Penalties

  • Illegal formation. Curtis Samuel was the only receiver on the left side and he lined up at least a yard off the line of scrimmage. The Jets recorded a sack anyway.
  • Christian Holmes false start on a punt. Lined up as a gunner but this happened off-screen.
  • Holmes illegal touch on a punt. Was the first player to down the ball having gone out of bounds.
  • Encroachment on Tariq Castro-Fields. A terrible mistake as the Jets were punting on 4th-and-3. Castro-Fields jumped early as he tried to get a jam on Justin Hardee.
  • Dyami Brown holding on a punt. Basically tackled Hardee to the ground from behind after being beaten by him.
  • Jahan Dotson offside. Lined up level with the ball in the slot.
  • Antonio Gibson false start. This was not shown on the broadcast.
  • Cornelius Lucas false start. Flinched early.

Penalties warranting further discussion or explanation

Jets Penalties

  • Offside on Garrett Wilson and intentional grounding on Siemian on the same play. Despite the Jets' NFL season high in penalty yardage, they didn't have their first penalty until three minutes into the second quarter, but then had two at once. Wilson was lined up level with the ball at the snap but the intentional grounding call was bogus as the ball seemed to be aimed at Wilson but only didn't get there due to being batted down.
  • Wilson lined up offside again. He needs to watch this because he got away with one last week too.
  • Echols illegal contact to negate Sauce Gardner's third down stop. Away from the ball and the Washington player initiated contact more than five yards downfield but Echols kept his hands outside and impeded him from changing direction at the top of the route.
  • Pass interference on DJ Reed in the end zone. Awful call, as he barely touched the receiver and batted the ball away cleanly. It initially looked like Jordan Whitehead might be called for a hit on a defenseless receiver but he didn't launch, wasn't late and made clean shoulder-to-shoulder contact. Had that been called instead of pass interference, it would have been preferable, though, as it would be half the distance instead of placing the ball at the one.
  • Becton holding. This one was similar to the other, as he had his man blocked and then the quarterback rolled left to extend it. This time, though, there was no clear grab to slow his man down. A very soft call.

Commanders Penalties

  • Defensive hold on Benjamin St. Juste. Clearly made contact with Wilson around the face mask area, which should have been illegal hands to the face, but then also reached across his chest to impede his progress.
  • Pass interference on St. Juste. Pulled down on Wilson's shoulder and then on his helmet to impede his ability to make a play on the ball.

Notable no-calls etc

Here were some of the other notable missed calls, replay situations and controversial moments:

  • Breece Hall was marked a yard short of the marker on a play where the replay showed it was close and he may have had it.
  • The Jets really should have challenged the spot on Conklin's quarterback sneak. His knee was ruled down but the play was never blown dead and he did reach across past the marker. If video evidence showed that his knee didn't hit the ground, this would be overturned. From the replay it didn't look like his knee ever hit the ground although it's possible the call would be upheld on the basis you can't see for certain. Worth challenging on fourth down though.
  • Quincy Williams made contact a beat early on Terry McLaurin as he broke up a pass with a hit.
  • Brown downed a punt on the one-yard line but it was marked at the six. Replays showed it glanced off him after bouncing up at the six-yard line.
  • Jamison Crowder's wacky fumble was just about recovered inbounds by Ashtyn Davis, just after Crowder had almost stepped out, but did not.
  • When Hall was marked down at the one-yard line, this was correct as the defensive player tripped him and his knee hit with the ball short.
  • However, the ruling of a touchdown at the pylon was also correct as the ball was inside the pylon with Hall still not having touched any part of his body out of bounds.
  • The Christian Rodriguez touchdown could have been blown dead because his forward progress was stopped momentarily before the scrum shoved him into the end zone. In addition, this was a very egregious violation of the rule that you're not supposed to pull or drag players into the end zone. Both Samuel and Saadhiq Charles clearly did this.
  • Bryce Huff was held a few times by Andrew Wylie, including on one play where the pair got into it after the no-call; and
  • Finally, there was a bad no call on 3rd and 20 as Hall was dragged down by the defender.

Let us know what we missed - or misinterpreted - in the comments...