2024 JetsFix Draft Picks Contest: Here is your winner...

Of course, it was the NFL draft this weekend. However, more importantly, it was the JetFix.com eight annual draft picks contest.

Thanks to all those who entered. In this year's contest, several of you had more than one point, including Jsadolph, who was one of only three of you to predict the Malachi Corley pick and one of only two of you that predicted the Qwan'tez Stiggers pick. However, having tied Jsadolph with three correct guesses, the winner won by tie-breaker. Beaux Limmer went 217th, so our winner's guess (138) was much closer than Jsadolph's guess (71).

Your new champion is BluntFumble89!

Crucially, BF89 was the only one of you to correctly predict the Braelon Allen pick.

For the record, nobody predicted the Jaylen Key or Isaiah Davis picks while more people guessed Jordan Travis (13) than the Jets' first pick Olu Fashanu (9). Impressively, both of our two players with three correct guesses did so without getting the first pick right.

Congratulate our winner in the comments section below.